Mark Andy reports record sales in LATAM and sets strategy for continued growth

Juan Carlos Arroyave (centre), the owner of Etipress, with John Vigna and Kenjiro Celaya of Mark Andy and the newly installed Digital Series HD press

In a year blighted by the global Covid pandemic, leading US manufacturer of narrow web press technology, Mark Andy, has reported record sales for its team in the LATAM region, with installations from Mexico and the Caribbean in the north, to Argentina in the south, and a healthy mix of flexo and digital technology. Speaking recently for the company, Sales Manager for the LATAM area John Vigna explained: “At a time when there was so much uncertainty across the Americas, we have significantly lifted our performance and increased our market share with a number of key conquest sales and market ‘firsts’!”

In addition to press sales totalling nearly 30 over the 12-month period, what impresses Vigna the most is the spread across eight countries and the diversity in specification of the machines involved, from the well-proven entry-level 10” 2200 Series to a 20” Performance Series P7 and 14 examples of the new Evolution Series (13 E5 and 1 E3) on the flexo front, to a Digital Series HD and Digital Pro 3 in the hybrid market. “We have enjoyed success right across our product portfolio thanks to the hard work put in by our sales and support teams,” he added.

One of Mark Andy’s key markets in the region is Mexico, and its sales were given a significant boost here with the appointment of Kenjiro Celaya as Sales Manager for the country. A former Plant Manager at an existing Mark Andy user, he brings a solid background of technical knowledge and production expertise to a market that while well-established, is having to come to terms with a raft of new technology and all that it brings in terms of opportunities. “Having Kenjiro onboard has boosted our status amongst our many label converting customers in Mexico, who value his hands-on experience,” said Vigna.

Conscious that the Mark Andy brand had for some time been low key, John Vigna has set about upping the profile of the company with new personnel that crucially are trained and proficient in the new technology the company is bringing to the market. “We have an educational job to do in LATAM. First, we need to let label converters know that wherever they are located we will provide local and high-quality support, and second, we are working hard to show Mark Andy as the narrow web technology leader, especially in the digital hybrid sector that is growing fast and where we have a clear lead over our competition.”

While the Mark Andy brand has long been aspirational to label converters in the LATAM region, political upheavals, and economic uncertainty, allied to the currency fluctuations that follow have often made press sales difficult for the US manufacturer – another problem that Vigna has successfully addressed. “We understand the difference between wanting a Mark Andy and being able to afford one! So, we’ve set up a number of financial packages that can be offered to potential customers, and we can tailor them to suit individual needs and circumstances. The aim is to ensure that money is no barrier to getting the Mark Andy product you want.”

Commenting further on the high-specification of the presses installed last year, Vigna says that he sees a notable trend towards shrink sleeves, in-mould labels, and flexible packaging across the region, along with a growing interest in RFID technology. In fact, one Brazilian customer, Beontag in Campo Mourão in Paraná, which installed a 20” Mark Andy P7 fitted with a Tamarack RFID unit, is now the second largest RFID supplier globally, with European production plants in Finland, France and Italy. Other significant sales worth highlighting are 13 of the new Evolution Series E5 presses (in both 13” and 17” web widths) and 1 of the Evolution Series E3. One in particular, at Suprapak in Cali, Columbia is being promoted locally as a significant addition to the company’s Mark Andy stable that already includes a P5 and 2200 – the company is well known for its shrink sleeve production.

In addition to the year bringing record sales numbers in his territory, John Vigna is delighted with some of the ‘big name’ companies who have joined the Mark Andy users club. Flexoprint in Brazil installed its first two Mark Andy presses thanks to the efforts of local representative Miguel Troccoli of PTC. Another Brazilian printer, Gráfica Cometa, acquired its first Mark Andy, an Evolution Series E3. Softcolor installed a 17” P7, its first Mark Andy, Autopel bought a P5 and then added an E5, the first in Brazil. In Belo Horizonte, Maxcor brought their total of Mark Andy presses to 16 with the addition of three 2200s and an E5, while international group Sato acquired a P7 for their plant in Brazil and an E5 for their plant in Argentina. You could say that Mark Andy flexo had a good year!

But the noticeable trend across the region is a growing interest in digital printing and in particular what hybrid technology has to offer. “This is where Mark Andy is in a unique position. We have three hybrid products in our portfolio, aimed at different sectors of the market, and importantly all use proven technology and have numerous installations worldwide that prove their commercial viability,” explained Vigna, who has devoted considerable time to educating the narrow web sector about hybrid technology and what it has to offer converters that are looking to grow and diversify their businesses.

At the entry level is the Digital Pro Series that combines a dry toner engine for CMYK with a platform that allows a flexo print station before and after the digital module for spot colour, varnishing, or cold foiling. It also die cuts, slits, or sheets inline, as required. Next is the Digital Series iQ, a joint development by Mark Andy and Domino that offers CMYKOV + WW inkjet printing to 600dpi resolution, with inline printing and finishing based on the Evolution Series platform. DSiQ is aimed at the middle sector of the market for medium length runs.

At the top end is the Digital Series HD, a completely in-house product from Mark Andy that combines the Performance Series servo platform with a 1200dpi eight-colour inkjet engine and an almost endless choice of options with its modular configuration. Existing Mark Andy flexo user Etipress has become the first in LATAM to install a 17” DSHD hybrid, and all eyes are focussed on how this single-pass production line compares with offline print and converting.

“There is no doubt we have the most comprehensive range of printing technology of any narrow web manufacturer in the world, and it’s all well-proven for reliable commercial production, which removes the risk for those new to servo driven flexo or digital hybrids. By taking the strategic decision to upscale our sales and support network in the region, we are well placed to tap into the growth in demand for new products and the shorter runs created by versioning,” concluded John Vigna, who is confident that the sales record set by Mark Andy in the LATAM region last year is just the beginning of something even bigger!

About Mark Andy Inc.
Mark Andy is a pioneer of the graphic arts and printing industry. As the world’s leading manufacturer of narrow- and mid-web printing and finishing equipment, it supplies leading global brands, including Mark Andy and Presstek printing presses, Rotoflex finishing solutions, as well as a complete line of Mark Andy Print Products consumables and pressroom supplies. All products are backed by the largest customer support team in the industry, minimizing downtime and helping customers be profitable, efficient and at the forefront of innovation. Mark Andy does what it takes to understand each customer’s unique business, the challenges they face and the pressures they feel. It strives to provide products and services that help customers solve their problems and solutions that go a step further, allowing them to excel in their day-to-day operations, ultimately increasing productivity and reaching their full potential.

For more information, visit

Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) Newsletter – TLMI Community and Committee Information

March 7, 2022

RAC – TLMI Community and Committee Information

TLMI’s RAC updates, presentation slide decks and other communications are housed within the RAC Committee section of the TLMI Community. TLMI encourages all members to review the resources housed within, and to let TLMI know if you or a colleague would be interested in joining the RAC Committee.

As always, the information provided in TLMI’s RAC Updates should not be construed as legal guidance. If you have questions on the legislation or initiatives highlighted, please contact Bryan Vickers with TLMI’s RAC team,, 703-403-2882 for more information.

Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) Newsletter – Supply Chain & Logistics

March 7, 2022

Supply Chain & Logistics

Federal Legislation and Regulatory Efforts to Improve Port and Rail Movement 

TLMI members, their supply chain partners, and customers have likely been impacted directly or indirectly with delays in receiving imports, exporting final products, and overall increases connected to shipping costs. The Congress and the Administration continue to take specific actions to address these issues, in an effort to improve the flow of goods both in and out of the country, reduce costs and improve efficiencies. Below are some of the recent and ongoing activity in this space that we wanted to make you aware of.

Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA)

The Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) is landmark legislation that would overhaul the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), by providing them specific authority to regulate shipping activity in and around U.S. ports.

The House version of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 (OSRA), H.R. 4996, introduced last year, seeks to improve fairness, establish boundaries and set metrics for fees often incurred by the global shipping community. It passed in December with overwhelming support.

Following House passage, Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Thune (R-SD), introduced Senate introduced Senate companion legislation, which currently has 22 co-sponsors.

Key among OSRA’s provisions are:

-Clarification of when certain charges for at-port equipment and equipment return (commonly referred to as Detention and Demurrage) charges may be assessed by ocean carriers and other entities, to shippers.

-Establishment of minimum service requirements for contracts to ensure freight is not unreasonably refused.

-New enforcement tools for FMC regulatory staff to enforce OSRA’s provisions

-Ensuring anti-retaliatory safeguards are in place to protect parties that file complaints to the FMC or other regulatory bodies.

While the Senate version differs slightly from the House bill, there continues to be bipartisan support for OSRA. The legislation follows an earlier endorsement of the OSRA and its core concepts by the Biden Administration. Members of the Senate Commerce Committee, which held an Executive Session on the legislation earlier this week, is seeking to advance the bill to the Senate floor later this year. TLMI will continue to follow these collective efforts.

Surface Transportation Board (STB) to Hold March Hearing on Reciprocal Switching Proposal

Later this month, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) will host a two-day hearing on “reciprocal switching”, a longstanding proposal that would enable shippers to more easily secure opportunities for rates and options to move raw materials, goods and other products among the Class 1 rail lines.

Similar to the major ocean carrier/liner companies importing and exporting goods out of U.S. ports, shippers and customers of the U.S. rail industry are predominantly served by a handful of large Class 1 lines, often with only one provider to choose from.

Proponents of the reciprocal switching proposal believe that opening up rail options would improve efficiencies, reduce delays and lower overall shipping costs. Many TLMI member companies and their suppliers routinely utilize domestic rail service, (depending upon their locations and supply chains being served), and could see benefit from finalization of the reciprocal switching proposal.

The Board will consider all testimony provided at the hearing later this March, and re-open meetings to stakeholders afterwards. A decision on the proposal may be issued later this year. Click here for the latest Board activity and additional information regarding the proposal.

As always, the information provided in TLMI’s RAC Updates should not be construed as legal guidance. If you have questions on the legislation or initiatives highlighted, please contact Bryan Vickers with TLMI’s RAC team,, 703-403-2882 for more information.

Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) Newsletter – Recycling-Focused Legislation

March 7, 2022

Recycling-Focused Legislation
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) & Proposed Labeling Requirements

As we begin to approach the end of the first quarter, TLMI continues to follow state and legislative activity with the potential to impact the tag and label supply chain and their broader customer bases.

Our previous Update at the end of January noted the nearly 40 state legislatures across the country in regular session – as we highlighted, many of these state sessions are punctuated with bursts of Committee hearings and activity prior to adjourning their respective sessions. Many of the state legislative sessions are brief…by the end of April, 25 state legislatures will have adjourned for the year.

In addition to upcoming adjournments, many states with recycling and packaging-focused have much earlier legislative deadlines (often referred to as “funnels”), which require bills to move through Committees or advance in some manner, in order additional consideration prior to adjournment.

As you will read, the legislation addresses a number of packaging fronts; recycled content, future material input restrictions and fee-based structures for state and local recycling programs, among them.

Here are some of the highlights from the past month:

Connecticut Senate Bill 115 was heard in Committee last week. In a fashion very similar to Rhode Island (more on that effort below), it creates an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program for packaging and printed paper (those materials not already covered in a specific program, i.e., a bottle bill). Fees paid by the producers are scheduled to vary based levels of recyclability, recycled content, reductions in package toxicity, and proper labeling. Labels, adhesives, inks and other secondary package components would be part of the PRO’s considerations, as they would set fees over a two year period (should the legislation pass).

Maryland House Bill 700, creates broad-based truth in labeling requirements for plastic packaging, remains in its initial Committee assignment, after a hearing two weeks ago. While the bulk of the legislation focuses on permissible recyclability and environmental claims to reduce consumer confusion, it does include a section outlining factors that would be considered in order for a package to be considered “recyclable” by the state.

Any plastic-based package that includes over 100 ppm of intentionally added PFAS, or contains inks, adhesives, labels or similar that prevent the base package from being recycled would no longer being considered “recyclable” by the state. The bill remains in its initial Committee assignment.

That noted, an amended version of Maryland  Senate Bill 273, addressing the PFAS chemicals class, sometimes used in the production of a package’s various components, (including sectors of paper-based labels and inks), has advanced to the House and is now in its initial Committee assignment (Health and Government Operations).

The amended language adjusted the compliance timeframe period for covered packaging distributed or sold in-state to January 1, 2024 (from January 1, 2023). PFAS for food packaging includes intentional incorporation to the package’s closure, label, ink, dye, pigment and/or adhesive components. We will continue to follow the legislation. On March 7th, its House companion, House Bill 275, was reported out of its initial Committee favorably, with the same language.

New Hampshire, through House Bill 1111, is also beginning to look at EPR, and through its bill that would form a study commission to review key elements. The legislature also intends to study legislation, House Bill 1589, that will review PFAS chemicals intentionally added to product packaging (instead of an earlier bill that would have prohibited their sale in-state).

New York continued its activity from last year on EPR, with S. 8008-A, developed from the Governor’s most recent budget proposal. It is wide-ranging legislation that creates an EPR program for packaging and paper sold in-state, along with future considerations and restrictions for PFAS and other packaging inputs – increasing costs for producers utilizing components deemed disruptive to the recycling process (this includes certain labels, inks and adhesives). The current proposal may change this month before the final budget is agreed to by legislators and signed into law by Governor Hochul. TLMI is closely following the budget proposal.

Rhode Island House Bill 7279, broad-based EPR legislation for the state, had its initial Committee hearing last week. In addition to setting recycling goals and packaging reduction efforts, the legislation requires the Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) to review fees assessed to brands funding the program, to ensure that a package’s recyclability and impact on the environment are considered in their costs. The legislation remains eligible for consideration, although it remains in its initial Committee assignment.

Among the earlier states to near the legislative deadline is Washington. As reported in our last update, the legislature considered two packaging focused bills. Senate Bill 5658, which covered truth in labeling requirements (“chasing arrows” designations), in addition to prohibiting recyclability and similar claims for all packaging that include components, including inks, adhesives, and labels, that prevent the recyclability of the package.

Senate Bill 5697, EPR legislation that would have also created a number of post-consumer recycling content and truth in labeling requirements, along with Senate Bill 5658, both failed to reach their legislative deadlines this year, but are expected to be considered again next year.

As always, the information provided in TLMI’s RAC Updates should not be construed as legal guidance. If you have questions on the legislation or initiatives highlighted, please contact Bryan Vickers with TLMI’s RAC team,, 703-403-2882 for more information.

Maxcess Launches Powerful 100% Vision Inspection and Workflow Automation Solutions

VisionMax and VisionConnect automate a customer’s process line to find defects before they become critical and costly, reducing scrap while improving productivity

Oak Brook, IL – Maxcess, a global leader in innovative products and services for web handling applications, today unveiled VisionMax and VisionConnect, powerful 100% vision inspection and automation tools that reduce scrap, customer claims and rework, while improving productivity.

“In today’s converting environment, with unprecedented material and labor shortages, it is crucial to be able to run your process line as efficiently as possible by automating the process and removing defects before they become critical, which can cause significant material waste and expensive rework,” said Conor O’Neil, Business Development Manager for Maxcess Vision Systems. “Our new line of 100% vision inspection and workflow automation solutions for wide-web applications feature industry-leading price performance, an easy operator interface and advanced workflow automation software for smart converting, giving customers the ability to deliver defect-free material to their customers. Backed by the global service and support network of Maxcess, doing business where you do business, customers can trust that their investment will be supported for years to come.”

Featuring high-definition cameras, advanced lighting, a high-resolution touchscreen operator interface and advanced out-of-the box 100% inspection software, VisionMax is a flexible tool that can be used in both surface and print inspection applications, finding key defects like insects, gels, carbons, color problems, streaks, drags, roller marks and more, alerting operators before they become costly. VisionConnect is an advanced workflow automation software suite, which allows operators to automatically control process lines and slitters to physically remove defects with as little waste as possible.

Visit or call 1-844-MAXCESS to learn how to decrease scrap and increase productivity and automation today.

About Maxcess: Maxcess helps its customers maximize productivity through innovative products and services worldwide. By combining more than 400 years of global service and support across the storied product brands of RotoMetrics, Fife, Tidland, MAGPOWR, Webex, Valley Roller, and Componex, Maxcess offers an unrivaled network of application experts and end-to-end web handling solutions to help you work better, faster and smarter. Visit them online at

Diversified Labeling Solutions Launches New Customer Portal

Diversified Labeling Solutions (DLS), a national converter of pressure-sensitive labels, announces the launch of Label Portal™, its new web-based customer portal. The portal will provide DLS distributors direct access to multiple features and tools to help them market and sell labels.

Available to all DLS distributors, the new portal is designed as a centralized hub where customers can access the most-requested label information and sales tools.

DLS’ customer portal is the result of several months’ development involving DLS customer service, sales, marketing, and technical teams, with input from a select group of customers. It is designed to conveniently connect DLS distributors with their most frequently used tools and product information.

The customer portal is being developed in several stages. The initial customer portal release includes:

  • Immediate quotes for flexographic print jobs with DLS’ QuoteNow™

  • Personalized access to custom-branded marketing materials

  • Instant access to our most up-to-date Stock Catalog

  • Material Spec Sheets to help choose the right product

  • Purchase Order Submittal

  • Artwork Submittal

Future releases will be available in the coming months and will continue to add features such as expanded quote options, order tracking information and online purchase options.

“As a trade-only label supplier, our success is directly tied to the success of our distributors,” says DLS VP of Marketing, James Cirigliano. “We are continually creating and updating tools to help our customers sell more labels. The new portal provides these tools in a centralized, personalized portal. Using the portal, our distributors will be able to access up-to-date pricing and product information, and effective marketing tools where and when they need it.”

As an industry-leading label converter, DLS strives to stay ahead of key industry trends and expectations. The development and release of the customer portal meets this commitment while also ensuring that DLS continues to deliver the very best service and support to their distributor customers.

Current DLS distributors can request their personalized portal at or by contacting Interested label suppliers can learn more about the portal and other benefits of partnering with DLS at

A wholly-owned subsidiary of TSC Auto ID Technology Co. Ltd., DLS has been a preferred B2B supplier of high-quality, custom-printed pressure sensitive labels since 1985. All products, from blank labels to full color high-definition labels, are produced utilizing the latest in flexographic and digital printing technologies. Exemplar of their motto “We only succeed when you do,” DLS’s dedicated team is passionate about labels and is willing to share their expertise with partnered distributors to help them grow their business. With locations in five states and headquartered in Itasca, Illinois, DLS is well-situated to offer products to distributor customers nationwide. To learn more about the dedicated team at DLS, its exceptional offerings and services, or to receive a quote, please visit or call 800.397.3013.

Epson to Showcase New On-Demand Color and Liner-Free Thermal Label Printing Technology at Natural Products Expo

New Labeling Solutions Provide Many Options for Fresh Food and Natural Products Companies

Los Alamitos, CA – Epson has announced it will be showcasing its new labeling solutions at Natural Products Expo West from March 9-11 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Hall D, booth #3511. Being shown for the first time, the ColorWorks® C4000 is Epson’s newest on-demand color label printer offering fresh food and natural products businesses an easy solution for adding color to labeling and eliminating the cost, hassle and lead time of pre-printed color labels. Epson will also showcase a live lip balm label applicator demo, the new OmniLink® TM-L100 liner-free thermal label printer and sample labels created using the SurePress® digital label presses.

“Printing on-demand helps solve the problem of mass customization of SKUs for consumers. In addition, printing small quantities at the point of manufacturing helps businesses reduce the cost of pre-printed labels,” said Andrew Moore, product manager, Commercial Label Printers, Epson America, Inc. “We will be demonstrating many great solutions for food and beverage and natural products companies during Natural Products Expo, including the first public showing of Epson’s newest on-demand color label printer that fits into small spaces and modest budgets.”

Natural Products Expo West attendees will have the opportunity to print their own color labels using the ColorWorks C4000. Epson’s partners will also be represented at the booth, including BarTender® by Seagull Scientific and LabelMill. Attendees will have the chance to learn how Epson color label printers coupled with partner software and applicators are simplifying and streamlining the production and application processes. Epson’s booth will include:

  • On-demand color label printing – The compact ColorWorks C4000 color label printer delivers connectivity, dynamic image quality, remote management tools, and increased ink capacity, offering businesses an easy solution for adding color to labeling and eliminating the cost, hassle and lead time of pre-printed color labels.

  • Live print-and-apply solution – Featuring the ColorWorks CW-C6000P and a LabelMill LM1005 applicator, this live demo showcases a full-color print-and-apply solution. Small labels are printed from the CW-C6000P and applied precisely to tubes of lip balm. These labeled tubes of organic, natural lip balm will be given away for free at the booth. The ColorWorks C6000-Series are the first printer series specifically designed as a color upgrade to black-and-white thermal transfer printers.1

  • New liner-free thermal label printer – The new OmniLink TM-L100 offers Epson’s broadest media support for bag labels, item labeling and more. Tablet-friendly connectivity options help businesses streamline processes and improve efficiency in the way they serve customers and meet ever-growing demand for digital orders, including buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS) and delivery.

  • Digital label press samples – For those in need of higher production, Epson will showcase high-quality labels from Epson’s SurePress L-6534VW digital label press, which provides accurate color reproduction and scratch and weather resistance. The SurePress L-6534VW integrates functions required for label production, including a Corona Treater, White ink, digital varnish, an additional UV curing unit, and automated maintenance and print head monitoring.

Epson’s color label printing solutions are ideal for co-packers in the food and beverage industry looking to provide labeling and flexible packaging services for customers with a low total cost of ownership while offering fast-drying and durable food labels. For additional information, visit

About Epson
Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to co-creating sustainability and enriching communities by leveraging its efficient, compact, and precision technologies and digital technologies to connect people, things, and information. The company is focused on solving societal issues through innovations in home and office printing, commercial and industrial printing, manufacturing, visual and lifestyle. Epson’s goal is to become carbon negative and eliminate use of exhaustible underground resources such as oil and metal by 2050.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the worldwide Epson Group generates annual sales of around JPY 1 trillion.

Epson America, Inc., based in Los Alamitos, Calif., is Epson’s regional headquarters for the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. To learn more about Epson, please visit: You may also connect with Epson America on Facebook (, Twitter (, YouTube (, and Instagram (

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1 The CW-C6000/C6500 family is the first to bring to market the combination of features of direct ZPL II printing, peel-and-present, remote printer management, companion four- and eight-inch models, applicator I/O interface, broad middleware support, and comparable price points.


EPSON, ColorWorks and SurePress are registered trademarks and EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. OmniLink is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2022 Epson America, Inc.



Kelly Murosky, Packaging Development Manager for Seventh Generation, to present at TLMI Converter Meeting

March 3, 2022 (Milford, OH): TLMI announces that Kelly Murosky, Packaging Development Manager of household and personal care products company Seventh Generation, will present at the upcoming TLMI Converter Meeting. The meeting will take place March 20-22 in Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico.

Murosky’s presentation is titled, “Considering the Impact & Sustainability of our Label Choices”, and during the discussion she will be taking attendees on a deep dive of Seventh Generation’s sustainability goals and practices, and the factors that influence their decision making when developing a new package. Her session will explore how a product’s label can ultimately make or break its ability to be recycled. She will also discuss the critical areas of recycled content versus recyclable, biobased content versus biodegradable, and preferred materials.

Murosky was first introduced to the world of packaging while studying mechanical engineering at RIT and has expanded her expertise in past roles with The Kellogg Company and Keurig Green Mountain. She has been working at Seventh Generation for the past six years, specializing in sustainable packaging over a diverse category of products. She works to design packaging that is recyclable, creates zero waste, and is made of 100% recycled materials.

Rosalyn Bandy, TLMI’s Vice President of Sustainability, comments, “We are absolutely thrilled to have Kelly Murosky joining us in New Mexico for the TLMI Converter Meeting. It’s extremely rare that a consumer packaged goods company addresses TLMI members and I know attendees will find Kelly’s presentation educational and highly valuable since we will be hearing first-hand how one of the most progressive companies in the world drives sustainability through the supply chain. The decisions that companies like Seventh Generation make have a direct impact on TLMI members, and it will be fantastic to hear Kelly take us through her company’s journey and objectives when it comes to the types of printed packaging products they source.”

World-first 3-in-1 BOBST MASTERCUT 1.65 now available to market

Flatbed die-cutter can handle corrugated, carton and litho-laminated board without compromising productivity and quality

BOBST has announced that its flagship flatbed die-cutter, MASTERCUT 1.65, is now commercially available to folding carton and corrugated box manufacturers around the world.

Bringing together the very best in BOBST technology and innovation, MASTERCUT 1.65 is completely unique as it is the only machine on the market that has been specially designed for litho-laminated converting and can handle strong corrugated board and carton equally well – making it one machine for all jobs. Importantly, tooling compatibility and an exceptional level of automation guarantee minimal downtime when switching from one material to another.

Marco Lideo, Product Line Director for Die-cutters, Hot foil stampers, Flexo post printers and Litho-laminating at BOBST said: “The development of this machine is the result of great engagement with some of the most experienced professionals in the packaging world. When we asked what they were looking for in a flatbed die-cutter, the feedback we received was for a unique machine that had the capability to handle multiple substrates, while still offering a high level of productivity and unrivalled production quality.

“The MASTERCUT 1.65 delivers on all these fronts. It can process both robust and delicate materials, ranging from 300g solid board to 7mm BC double wall litho-laminated at speeds of up to 7,000 sheets per hour, and its high-cutting force enables extremely precise and exceptional die-cutting quality, even for complex box designs.”

Marco Lideo added: “With the MASTERCUT 1.65, we have brought together a combination of tools and technologies that reflect and support our vision for the future of the packaging industry, in terms of automation, connectivity and sustainability. It has been built to serve as a long-term asset for converters.”

The MASTERCUT 1.65 combines the best of corrugated board and folding carton machines. It has been designed to be versatile, robust and equipped for Industry 4.0 and can be combined with a range of downstream peripherals to create a full production line. Outstanding precision and ergonomic quality control features guarantee minimal waste, saving resources and reducing cost.

With a re-designed top feeding system, SMART FEEDER 3, ensures a smooth start to operations. Built-in suction units ensure friction-free feeding for all substrates. Meanwhile, a feeding table with dedicated pressing device has been tailored for careful processing of warped materials. With delicate and precise feeding, production stoppages are reduced to a minimum and blank quality is assured.

A bespoke POWER REGISTER offers contactless sheet registration and preserves perfect sheet integrity. The optical register can read printing marks from top/bottom and lateral/lead edge, allowing flexibility in lay-outs and substrate choice. Perfectly registered sheets pass into locked gripper bars for exact die-cutting – MASTERCUT 1.65 provides folding-carton print-to-cut precision for corrugated and litho-laminated board.

The die-cutter is also the only solution in the market for corrugated and litho-laminated board blanking in size VII and offers a cutting force of up to 5.5 MN for perfect cutting of solid substrates, while low pressure on the sheet ensures delicate materials remain undamaged. The unique blanking system incorporates a dynamic waste ejection feature and automatic cutting force adjustment increases tool longevity. Single cut, double cut or full sheet delivery: all options are available on this machine.

To enable short job changeovers, the intuitive BOBST HMI SPHERE allows for quick navigation and the storing of up to 5,000 job tickets. This is supported by the BOBST MATIC system which supports a vast number of automatic settings. These two features combine exceptional ergonomics, accessibility and a maximum level of automation for fast and easy handling, guaranteeing optimum productivity. With HMI SPHERE, the machine is also ready to join the BOBST Connect platform, opening up the possibility to interlink and optimize the whole converting process in the future.

“To further support our vision for a connected packaging supply chain, MASTERCUT 1.65 is available with TooLink,” said Marco Lideo. “TooLink is a platform that connects the die-cutter with tooling to bring together the entire converting process and retrieve job data in a matter of seconds. Ultimately, it simplifies job changeover by automating the recipe management, saving time and eliminating the risk of human error. Operators have access to a higher level of production data and insight, and benefit from increased control, automation and efficiency!

“We are delighted to be able to bring this machine to market and enable converters to see for themselves the value it can bring to their operations, not only today but well into the future too.”

We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of substrate processing, printing and converting equipment and services for the label, flexible packaging, folding carton and corrugated industries.

Founded in 1890 by Joseph Bobst in Lausanne, Switzerland, BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 19 production facilities in 11 countries and employs more than 5800 people around the world. The firm recorded a consolidated turnover of CHF 1.563 billion for the year ended December 31, 2021.