Low Migration with Mark Andy – – when LM becomes ‘Must Have’?  

With Low Migration (LM) becoming ever more important in the label and package print sector, leading narrow web manufacturer Mark Andy will be holding a two-day LM Workshop at its Technology Centre in Warsaw, Poland on the 23rd and 24th of May.

Lena Chmielewska-Bontron, European Marketing Manager at Mark Andy explains: “Our customers’ needs have always been top priority for Mark Andy, and we are aware that LM and its challenges have attracted a lot of attention recently in the label and packaging sectors.  It’s mainly because of legislation changes in industries such as food, beverage, cosmetics, chemicals, and pharmaceutical, and affects those buying print from our customers.  Mark Andy presses have no direct impact on LM of inks and varnishes, but we want to support the market in all LM-oriented challenges.” 

To ensure the Workshops offer the latest information, Mark Andy has invited the best and most informed partners to contribute, including J.S. Hamilton, a certified research Lab Centre that combines a broad and comprehensive range of in-house analysis with market research and additional survey and control services.  “We’re convinced that our joint initiative will enable participants to extend and upgrade their knowledge on this challenging issue,” she added.

The LM workshops are designed to appeal to printers and converters from around the world: executives/CEOs, press operators, print specialists, and technology managers will all be catered for, and both existing and future customers are warmly welcomed, as well as other print service providers interested in LM issues.  

Mark Andy’s European Technology Centre will offer the company the opportunity to present several alterative solutions from its broad portfolio.  An Evolution Series E5 flexo press will be one of the highlights, equipped with drying systems suited to different inks formulations, including UV, LED, and water-based.  Two hybrid solutions, the Digital Series HD, and Digital Pro 3, will be in the spotlight too.  Lukasz Chruslinski, European Sales Manager and Lukasz Kaczynski, Demo Room Manager Mark Andy will be demonstrating the key elements of flexo and hybrid, both inkjet- and toner-based printing techniques, and showing how each press is set-up.

Adam Fotek, from J.S. Hamilton, will discuss issues relating to ink migration and invite participants to take a ‘virtual walkaround’ the company’s Test Lab.  He will also explain the principles and requirements for measuring ink migration on labels for food, cosmetic, chemical and beverage products.  Ink migration will be also main subject of another presentation from Siegwerk, as well as one from GEW drying systems.

“After the presentations, participants are invited to take part in a Q&A session,” adds Lukasz Kaczynski.  “From previous experience, we are expecting our visitors to discuss very specific issues and challenges in the search for possible solutions.  All our customer-oriented events have offered a great opportunity for individual chats and talks.”

The first day of the workshops will be followed by a dinner, which is always a great occasion for discussions in a less formal atmosphere.  “We’re convinced that the event will give our current and future customers a solid background of knowledge and help them to answer the question: How do I reach the lowest possible level of ink, varnish and coating migration in label and packaging production?”

With increasingly stringent and changing LM legislation, converters, and brand owners as well as product manufacturers are coming under increasing pressure to conform.   For more detailed information, Mark Andy has created a dedicated page on its website, where interested parties can register: https://go.markandy.com/e/990852/low-migration-/7ghp2/78777319?h=N4QLSGrzs_OtB7o8_-iArfxJVY8b4eUg8vnGMrnyy48

Lena Chmielewska-Bontron
European Marketing Manager at Mark Andy Poland