The Premier Label Industry Association

TLMI Mission

TLMI unites label and packaging professionals to address industry challenges, share market insights, and advocate for our industry’s advancement.


TLMI unites label and packaging professionals to address industry challenges, share market insights, and advocate for our industry’s advancement.

About TLMI


TLMI thrives as a member-driven association, uniting to collectively address our industry’s critical issues, including workforce development, government regulations, and sustainability. Our core strength lies in fostering a culture of open and authentic networking that encourages knowledge sharing.


At TLMI, our commitment is to empower our members for success within the label and package printing industry by sharing the latest technical advancements in our field, facilitating peer and production benchmarking, and fostering the exchange of valuable market insight.


TLMI actively collaborates with likeminded associations, educational institutions, and the wider recycling community with the goal of ensuring that our members wield influence over every aspect that affects their businesses.

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